10-Minute Touch Up The Private Twitter Influencer List

10-Minute Touch Up: The Private Twitter Influencer List

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing.

Each week I’ll give you a task you can complete in about 10 minutes or less. The task isn’t just another to-do; it’s an action to help you build community, increase traffic, improve your content, interact in social media, better your blog design, or build blog strategy. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

The Private Twitter Influencer List


Challenge: Find 5 influencers, then add them to a Private list on Twitter.

People you can add to your list:

  • Influencers: Bloggers within your niche that rock at what they do. See how they interact with their followers and the content they share. You might even get ideas or see some fun finds from looking at their stream.
  • Bloggers Savvy at Business: These peeps could be within or outside your niche. Learn from them!
  • Competitors: Yep, watch your competitors. If that sounds creepy, just know that any business on the planet knows what their competitors are up to. It’s smart, not creepy. If you don’t treat your blog as a business (not yet or not NEVER), then follow 2-3 blogs who are of similar size to yours. COOL TIP: If it’s a competitor that you don’t want to follow, you can still add them to a list without following them!

Why: None of us blog in a bubble. In order to grow your blog, you need to learn from others and keep up with the movers and shakers.

How to Do It

1. Go to Twitter, then click the Settings icon. Select lists from the drop-down menu.

(You can also create new Twitter lists in HootSuite or simply add a completed list as a stream.)

2. Give the list a name and description. And for the love of coffee, mark your list private!

3. Find someone to add to your list, searching by name or username.

You should be able to come up with five pretty easily. Add more if you have time but keep this list no larger than 25 people MAX. I currently just have 10 in mine.

4. Add that awesome person to your list!

Marie Forleo is a business-savvy genius, so she’s definitely on my list.

Your Turn!

Got a question? Did you create your list? Leave a comment and tell me!

Also, if you love 10-minute Touch Ups, then share it & get others to join in. The more, the bloggier. Or something like that.

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